Beautiful Niece

Created by Sarah 3 years ago

Beautiful Bethan, you are one of the kindest, happiest, creative and sportiest girls I know, Im such a proud Aunty for everything you have achieved in everything that you have done. You're also such a fab big cousin to all the children, always looking out for them!

Your art skills blew my mind, far more advanced than mine, I always showed off your work to my friends and they too were amazed! I will cherish the blanket you made me forever (although I might have to fight Ben for it as he loves it too!)

Your sporting skills are insane, obviously super proud you took up hockey (seeing as I did give you your first stick as a baby.) It just makes me even prouder of you with everything you have achieved and loved seeing photos and videos of your achievements.

I miss our summers of me coming to look after you and F, going to the park and getting cheeky ice-creams. Also going to the recycling bin outside your house to find random things to make with and just being super silly with each other. You, and F, both smashed me at any board game we played.  

You'll forever be in my heart sweet girl.

Love you so much XXXXXXX ❤️
